Rose powder at home

Roses are used from the ancient days in our beauty routines because of its medicinal values may be that's the reason they are symbol of love and beauty. Rose powder can be used in many ways and it is very common product used by Indians and that's why it is easily available in Indian market . But the store bought rose powder has some drawbacks too and the main of them are they are full of artificial fragrances and color and on bonus they're add lots of preservatives to their products and how can we forget about the price which is way too much.

Making rose powder at home is super easy and simple. the Only ingredient you need is roses.

Let's have a look

  • wash the rose petals thoroughly with water to remove any impurities.
  • Dry them in the shady place as the sun drying will reduce its goodness's.
  • Once it is completely dried, and while getting cracked by hands grind them in the blender to a fine powder.
  • Store this powder in an airtight container and store it at room temperature.
The color of the powder depends on the color of the roses you used .

If you live in extremely cold areas then you can microwave the rose petals for 5-10 minutes your rose powder is ready instantly.

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