Weight loss Drink

Beauty is not only about flawless skin and glowing face. Beauty is all about you, your body, your life style, your positive thoughts and YOU.

Because of our life style and fancy foods weight is now a big concern for us.

How to loss those extra kilos.? We all want some shortcut and magic that can make us fit overnight.

But let me break the ice for you It is not possible.
Weight loss will take time nothing can do the magic for you in a day or week.

If you want to loose weight be patient and follow Satvik diet (Soon i'll share a satvic diet plan with you) and some yoga.

Now, let us talk about weight loss drink!

Is is helpful ? YES, Weight loss drink can play major role in your weight loss journey it can boost your weight loss speed and if you'll follow it religiously you can loose weight very quickly.

Best weight loss drink :-

Weight loss is all about calories in and calories out . what you eat are the calories you have taken in and how you spend (Physical activity) is calorie out.
When calories out becomes more than calories in our body starts loosing weight.
If we reduce our calorie intake it becomes easy to loose weight.

Here i am sharing with you 0 calories weight loss drink.

Are you guessing green tea ? No.
It's water

Yes, we all know water doesn't have any calories in it and drinking lots of water can help us loose weight fast.
I'll tell you how and why.

When we drink water before taking our meals we are 50% likely to eat less which means less calorie intake.

When we crave for something sweet we can drink a glass of water and it'll stop our craving for sweets.

When we exercise for weight loss our body spends energy from the food we eat,the fat stored in body and from the water present in body (we all know human body is 70% water) which can result in dehydration and skin problems.

so, It is very important to drink lots of water on your journey to loose weight don't punish your body with fancy weight loss pills and drinks only water which is all natural can do the magic for you.

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