Homemade Flaxseed gel

We all know the benefits of Flax seed for our health. Burt do you know that flax seed gel has amazing benefits for our hair too?
Flax seeds are easily available in Indian market and you can make flax seed gel at home with just two ingredients it has amazing benefits for hair It helps in hair growth makes hair shinny, it conditions hairs naturally and controls fizz, if used religiously it can straight the curly hairs too...

Let's get started..

Flax seeds 2Tsp
Water 300ml

1.Boil the water in heavy bottom pan
2.Put flax seeds in it and let it simmer for 20 minutes on low flame
3.keep steering the water so that it doesn't sticks to the bottom of pan
4.Turn of the flame after 20 minutes and leave undisturbed for 1hour
5.After 1 hour strain the gel in glass container with the help of muslin cloth

Your flax seed gel is ready to use. you can apply this gel as overnight mask, leave in conditioner, conditioner after shampoo.

You can store this gel in  refrigerator for 10-15 days

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